Chord ear training exercises and how to do them:
To do daily solfege or ear training exercises is definitely something that you want to incorperate into your schedule. It doesn’t have to be long. Only 15 minutes of chord ear training can be enough to get you going!
After you have mastered the art of singing intervals and scales, you are ready for the next step. Both of these exercises focus on the horizontal way of thinking. What I mean by that is, that scales and intervals focus on one note at a time that follow up on eachother. But with chords it is different, because more than two musical intervals sound at the same time. Especially when you want to be able to improvise quickly over certain chords, it is important that you can imagine what the different notes will sound like that you are going to play on them.
Also it is very beneficial if you can accurately sing all the notes of a major or minor chord. And maybe even add some extensions while your at it!
About ear training in general:
It is definitely not the most exciting thing in
Once you become more skilled at this, I guarantee that it will be easier to write
So don’t hesitate. Start practicing today!
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Below are the timestamps for the video in case you want to skip to a certain part or want to revisit a step.
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – About chord ear training / solfege
0:40 – First exercise
1:31 – Second exercise
2:19 – Third exercise
2:53 – Fourth exercise